~~Caller’s details as well as his/her question need to be sent by email to support@chinaglobalmall.com
Customs & Forbidden Items
When purchasing from ChinaGlobalMall, we guarantee clearance at Chinese Customs, and will bear full responsibility were any problems to arise with the Chinese Customs.
However, you are responsible for assuring that the product can be lawfully imported to the destination country. The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to the destination country's Customs policies once the shipment arrives at the recipient's country. If there are tariff requirements or confiscated goods in your country, we are not responsible for damage/loss. The recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country
Forbidden items:
Here is a list of some forbidden items that cannot be shipped:
1. Candles, needles, knives, scissors, forks, pens, seeds, fishing nets.
2. Solar panels.
3. Discs, memory cards, hard drives, mobile power, batteries.
4. A variety of cosmetics, including nail light therapy devices.
5. Ink cartridges, toner cartridges, toner.
6. Food -- including coffee and pet food.
7. Fake guns and knives -- including props and toys.
8. Animal fur products.
9. Counterfeits items -- various brand name logo trademarks, drawings, prints, etc.
10. Plant and animal specimens.
11. Cultural heritage crafts.
12. Certain Magnets.
13. Drugs.
Buyer is entitled to return product if damaged or not according to what was requested by him or her within 3 days